
University which you can study animation and manga (3)

Kobe Design University (KDU) is one of good university which you can study animation and manga. Because KDU has 8 depertments like visual design, fashion design, manga, animation etc. And they also have 3 design research institute in their university.

 At first, I write about the depertment of vidual design. This depertment has 5 course: graphic design course, editorial design course, WEB design course, illustration course and producting picture book course.

this is an example of the curriculm (depertment of vidual design).

-First grade-
introduction to visual design, theory of design culture, history of graphic design, history of illustration, practical training visual design, experience of printing.

-Secound grade-
 theory of  information design, theory of editing information, theory of advertisement design, basic WEB design,  digital expression, basic DTP, Typography1, package design.

-Third grade-
theory of editing and expression, history of  printing, charactor design,  practice design plan, pratice of  editorial design, practice of WEB design, practice of illustration.

-Fourth grade-
graduation work

This is an example of the curriculm (Department of manga expression)

-First grade-
history of CG, history of anime, basic expression of manga and digital media, fundamental theory of manga, history of manga expression, practice of manga and WEB anime and comic, Basic manga expression.

-Second grade-
history of picture and movie,  history of iconography, theory of producting chractor, theory of planing worldview,  theory of manga composition, practice of image editing, practice of drawing.

-Third grade-
 theory of media industry produce, pratice of manga production, practice of charator illustration.

-Fourth grade-
graduation work

-Affiliated school-
Westminster university, University of montreal, Bandung technolgy univeristy, etc

-Entrance examination for foreigner students(2013)-

you need to finish studying for 12years in school to apply for this university

day of entrance exam: november 3th

how to select:  screening of doctuments, examination of your expression ( you need to bring your work), interview

-school expenses-
tution fee: 950000yen

educational replection fee: 550000yen

I think that this school is very expensive^^;

homepage: http://english.kobe-du.ac.jp/

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